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Updated: Jun 2

Blackdown Mendip RC

Annual General Meeting Minutes

17th February 2022

At The Sidcot Hotel



Committee:    Mike Edwards (Chair) Sarah Gell, Helen Melvin, Pip Page, Dawn Warford

Guests:      Sandra Case, Christine Edwards, Sophie Edwards, Debi Goessens, Judy Holbrook, Stefan Masny

Apologies: Claire Scoble


Agree Minutes from Previous AGM

Minutes from previous AGM were agreed as a true and correct record by the Chair as there were no matters arising

Chairperson’s Report:

I give a warm welcome to you all and thank you for making the effort to participate despite the forecasted weather conditions.  It is so nice to see you a few familiar faces in person following last year’s remote zoom meeting due to the pandemic.

Electronic versions of the 2020/21 AGM were made available via the website etc – are there any matters arising from them.

Riding club activities through the last year were again made difficult as a consequence of the continuing restrictions imposed under the Covid19 pandemic, but at least some activities and lessons did take place.

At this point I feel it appropriate to offer condolences on behalf of BMRC to anyone who lost members of their family or friends over the last year and wish anyone suffering from the effects of the virus a full and speedy recovery. I am also happy to see that other members who have had health issues over the last year are regaining their strength and returning to the saddle.

I would once more like to publicly thank the committee for their determination, enthusiasm, humour and support through another challenging year. And I for one was so relieved when we were able to hold committee meetings in person rather than remotely via zoom that brought about their own technical problems, I must point out that other platforms are available.

For a second year in a row most equestrian activities were either cancelled or took place in a restricted fashion. We were therefore unable to run any internal or open competitions and hope to be able to re-introduce them during the next 12 months. So, disappointingly, there will be no presentations of club trophies this year.

Although some Area competitions ran we were unable to take an active part in many of them and again thank Pip for encouraging and coordinating entries.

We were able to resume lessons in early April 2021 as soon as imposed restrictions due to coronavirus were lifted and were even able to hold one day of combined training at Badgworth Arena.

But Spring Camp at Pontispool had to be cancelled for a second year and I express gratitude to the Management at Pontispool for carrying over the deposit paid to this year.  Autumn Camp at Stockland Lovell was deemed not viable as the allotted weekend coincided with the opening meeting of the local hunt. When that last occurred it caused some distress to riders in lessons and horses in stables so we deemed it not to be safe for members for camp to take place and postponed it to this year.  We were proved to have made the correct decision as the hunt actually meet at Stockland Lovell, what a kerfuffle that would have caused.

Rider confidence slowly returned and lessons were restructured to make them as safe as possible. We hope to return to a full diary as soon as possible as confidence continues to grow and I hope members will take part with their pre-pandemic levels of enthusiasm.

We are still experimenting, testing and coming to terms with the “New Normal” but I assure you that your committee will be working hard to ensure that riding activities and events take place with their usual level of fun and support.]

Treasurer’s report: 

Distribution of accounts via email to committee. 

Run through 2021 Accounts (pending verification)

Summary of Income, Expenditure and Profit


Total Income                £4,711

Total Expenditure       £5,209

Net profit/Loss           -£498


Where we made profit

Membership                £144


Where we made loss

Lessons                         £228


Given that we have been very restricted over the last year, I don’t think the small loss is too surprising. We have not been able to run camp, members days or winter dressage which all generate income.


Bank Accounts

Current Account £1,138

Deposit Account £15,074


Stock                                            £903

Merchandise                              608

Rosettes                                      281

First Aid Kits                                14

Membership report:

CS reported 50 members in the year, of which 7 were juniors, 2 family, 2 non-riders and 3 honorary members.


Election of Committee Members for 2022

Two committee members retire by rotation, Helen Melvin and Claire Scoble.


Election of new and existing post-holders:

  • (Mike Edwards remains as chairman)

  • (Sarah Gell remains as Club Secretary)

  • Helen Melvin was re-elected as Treasurer - proposed by Dawn Warford and seconded by Sarah Gell

  • Claire Scoble was re-elected as Membership Secretary – proposed by Helen Melvin and seconded by Pip Page

  • (Dawn Warford remains as merchandise and clothing)

  • (Pip Page remains as Junior member coordinator, members days & Area 12 rep) 

  • The election of a Safeguarding Officer and First Aid rep was postponed until the next committee meeting

  • Debi Goessens joins the committee - proposed by Dawn Warford and seconded by Helen Melvin


Any other business:

No further matters were raised and the meeting closed at 7.45pm

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