Minutes for 2019 Annual General Meeting
6th February 2020
The Lamb Inn, Lower Weare
President: Sally Busby
Committee: Mike Edwards (Chair), Helen Melvin (Treasurer), Claire Scoble (Club
Secretary, Membership Sec), Pip Page, Jane Brazier
Chris Edwards, Virginia Toogood, Dawn Warford, Sue Johns, Grace Brazier, Dawn Philips
Guests: Claire Loney, Julie Anthony
Alicia Poyntz (committee), Mandy Kelly, Bryony Close, Veronica Thorn, Carly Wills, Leah
Wills (Jnr Member)
Minutes from 2018 AGM signed by Chair.
Chairperson Report:
ME welcomed everyone to the meeting especially to Sally Busby, the club’s founder.
Going back a couple of years the club went through a critical episode which could have
seen its demise with the majority of the committee standing down at the same time, shortly
followed by the remainder. Chair expressed thanks to HM and CS for their continued
diligence, determination and multi-tasking then formally welcomed AP, PP & JB who joined
the committee in 2019.
ME gave special mention to Hilary Barnary who stepped down from the committee at the
last AGM but remained active as a co-opted committee member to keep the website up to
date and help out in a great number of areas with her extraordinary knowledge of RC rules
and club history. Hilary has now moved away from the area and consequently the club.
She was thanked unreservedly for her many, many years of service to the club.
Over the last couple of years the committee has worked hard to rebuild the club and return
it to its grassroots reason for being brought about. To encourage people to ride and have
fun in the process. Focusing primarily on coaching/lessons with a view to becoming more
competitive as people’s confidence grows.
Three Members Days were held during the year, encouraging members to compete
without undue competitive pressure but aculminating points to determine the winners of
the Busby Trophies that would be presented at the AGM.
An obstacles and orienteering (trec type) event held in the summer proved very popular
and successful.
The club ran a Series Winter Dressage Open competition at Badgworth Arena that proved
to be quite popular with members and non-members alike with the Dancer Trophy to be
presented to the best performing club member at the AGM.
Although Camps held in the previous year had received a mixed response we organised
camps for Spring and Autumn again for 2019 and ran them both. They were enjoyed by
those taking part but the lesson structure for Autumn Camp came at a significant cost.
Thanks go to CE for her ‘behind the scenes’ contribution.
During 2019 more members took advantage of lessons so in addition to the regular show
jump and flat lessons the club offered an even greater variety of lessons including XC
clinics, arena XC, SJ on grass and Derby SJ. More recently we have been able to take
advantage of the availability of Badgworth for Flat and SJ lessons.
AP has taken responsibility for the merchandise and is introducing quality items at
reasonable prices. A small stock will be held and orders placed through the club.
During the year the accounting period was amended and the membership year changed to
1st January to 31st December in line with BRC requirement. The members took part in an
on-line vote of which there were no objections. The Club Constitution was amended
ME expressed thanks to the regular, empathetic and loyal instructors that support the club.
Treasurer - Statement of Accounts:
HM distributed a copy of the accounts to attending members.
HM reported on the 2018-2019 accounts. Following the change of the accounting year to
fall in line with BRC this accounting period is 15 months. The accounts currently in draft
but no changes expected and HM expressed thanks to Sarah Applewell for verifying.
Income £12,532 and Expenditure £13,992. The difference largely being due to the loss on
Autumn camp but it was decided that it was better to run at a loss rather than cancel.
A small amount of old merchandise has been written off and new stock bought in to the
value of £825.00.
The club continues to subsidise lessons.
The bank balance at the year end was £16,775.
Membership report:
CS reported 92 members in the year, of which 9 were juniors, 4 not-riders and 2 honorary
Election of new chairman
Mike Edwards remains as chairman
Election of new and existing committee:
Claire Scoble remains as Club Secretary & Membership Secretary
Helen Melvin remains as Treasurer
Alicia Poynts remains as merchandise
Pip Page remains as Junior member coordinator, members days & Area 12
Jane Brazier remains as Safeguarding Officer and First Aid
Dawn Warford joins the committee, proposed by CS, seconded by PP
Presentation of the Trophies :
Trophies presented by Sally Busby
Busby Trophy: Winner Virginia Toogood, Runners up 2nd Sue Johns, 3rd Anna Thomas
Dancer Trophy: Winner Virginia Toogood, Runners up 2nd Chris Edwards, 3rd Sue Johns
Junior Busby Trophy: Winner Leah Wills, Runners up 2nd Phoebe Wills, 3rd Kate Adams
The results for the Junior Trophy were announced, but the recipient could not attend the
meeting so will be presented with the trophy at a later date.
Any other business:
Constitution amendment - ME requested the meeting ratify the outcome of the online vote
held in 2019 to change the clubs calendar year to run from January to December to bring it
in line with Area Riding Club. There were no objections - carried unanimously
No further matters were raised
Meeting Closed at 20.15
Attendees invited to commence the buffet