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AGM minutes 2024


Annual General Meeting Minutes

18 January 2024

Blagdon Village Club


President:     Sally Busby (not present)

Committee:  Mike Edwards (Chair) Sarah Barnes (Treasurer) , Debi Goessens (Secretary), Pip Page Training Officer), Claire Scoble (membership Secretary), Dawn Warford (Safeguarding Officer)

Guests:          Sam Bescoby – Bescoby Equine Dental Vets, plus members as per list held by secretary


Chris Edwards; Gill White, Sally Busby

Welcome & Chairperson’s Report: 

Minutes from the previous AGM were agreed as a true and correct record and agreement recorded with an on-line signature by the Chair - there were no matters arising.

I welcome you all to this years AGM which we will make as swift as possible in order to move on to our guest speaker veterinary dentist Sam Bescoby. Light snacks will be available after the formal AGM and the bar is available.

Electronic versions of the 2022/2023 AGM were made available via the website etc. – are there any matters arising from them. [non raised}

I'm pleased to welcome some of our regular lesson instructors Alaina, Claire and Tracy.

I thank the committee for their hard work and determination through the year that has been quite challenging. I thank the instructors for their unwavering support of the club and making lessons and camp both fun and beneficial to those taking part.  I would also like to thank the owners of the various venues we've used for their support.

We were able to run a fairly comprehensive selection of lessons with varying degrees of support as we experimented with a variety of venues. We offered two camps run jointly with Brent Knoll Riding Club. Sadly Spring Camp at Pontispool was cancelled by the venue allowing them more time to prepare for a competition they were holding.  Autumn Camp at Stockland Lovell went ahead and was greatly enjoyed by all participants. We were able to subsidise lessons to a degree and have increased that subsidy for a limited period for this year as financial pressures on us all continue to mount. 

This year saw the introduction of membership via the Sport80 website. Sadly we were only made aware of the changes very late in the year causing immense problems for Claire our membership secretary that are by no means finally resolved. The system has its problems that hopefully BRC is working to overcome. I congratulate all those who were able to successfully manoeuvre their way through the convoluted membership procedure. 

Through the forthcoming year plan more lessons, camps and events for everyone's benefit.  We also hope to reintroduction of the open dressage competition at Badgworth in March of this year.     Questions? [non raised]

Treasurer’s report:

Distribution of accounts was made available to the committee prior to the meeting.

Accounts done and verified to 31/12/23

Summary of Income, Expenditure & Loss

-   Total income this year: £8563

   Total expenditure: £8928

-   Net loss: -£365

Bank Accounts

-   Current account balance £1423.05

-   Deposit account balance £13,328.56

Stock total £    made up of:

-   Merchandise £

-   Rosettes £281

-   First Aid Kits £14

Reminder that all lessons need to be paid 24 hours in advance

We will carry on running our financial year 1 January -31 December        

Membership report:

We had reported 49 members in the year, of which 6 were junior, plus 3 honorary members. 

Sport80 is clunky but BRC are working on ironing out glitches

With the new online changes, membership is now whenever you join and runs for the next twelve months

The Club now gets paid the balance of each membership after BRC has taken their bit

Election of Committee Members for 2023

Two committee members retire by rotation, Dawn Warford and Pip Page

Election of new and remaining officers:

-   Chair: Mike Edwards remains, re-elected. Proposed by Claire and seconded by Debi

-   Secretary: Debi Goessens remains, re-elected, proposed by Mike and seconded by Sarah

-   Treasurer: Sarah Barnes remains, re- elected, proposed by Debi and seconded by Claire

-   Membership Secretary: Claire Scoble re-elected, proposed by Mike and seconded by Sarah

- Training Officer/ Team Manager: Pip Page elected, proposed by Sandra Case and seconded by Debi

- Safeguarding Officer: Dawn Warford elected, proposed by Hilary and seconded by Pip

- Merchandise Rep: Dawn Warford elected, proposed by Debi and seconded by Mike

Any other business


The club’s constitution has been reviewed as it will be uploaded to Sport80 BRC website to ensure we remain fully inclusive and comply with safeguarding requirements. In order for it to be ratified it was brought to the meeting for anyone to raise objections. No objections were raised so the revised constitution was adopted. 

Carbon footprint

Over the last year we as a committee have taken the commitment to reduce the amount of printing/ paper we use. Records of all meetings are held on-line (as will the output of this meeting). Copies of anything required by members will be available either on the website or via email 

No further matters were raised and the meeting closed at 7.25pm

Signed:  M Edwards                                                                             Signed: D Goessens

Date:     22/02/2024                                                                                 Date: 22/02/2024

Position:   Chairman                                                                             Position:  Secretary           

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