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Updated: Jun 2


Annual General Meeting

Held on Monday 10th December 2018

At The Woodborough, Winscombe


Committee: Mike Edwards (Chair), Helen Melvin (Treasurer), Claire Scoble (Member Days),

Hilary Barnard (temp Secretary), Hannah McGowan (Winter Dressage), Chris Edwards,

Sarah Barnes, Bridget Bolland, Jenny McKitterick, Bryony Close, Amanda Kelly, Patsy

Guccione, Rachael Titcomb, Kelly Southwood, Carole Negus


Marney Shears, Nicky Burston

Minutes of 2017 AGM

had been previously circulated, were on the website and taken as read and signed by the Chair

Matters Arising


Chairperson Report:

Mike reported that the new committee had worked hard to move on, but several members were resigning. Hannah has produced a newsletter, carried out a members survey and will be co-opted back onto the committee for the winter dressage series.

Kim looked after spring camp, Clare Parsons has organised lessons for the Club for several years, Maggie took care of the membership for much of the year, Sarah has a new job and will hand over the lesson bookings. Hilary took over the role of secretary during the year. Mike thanked everyone and stressed the importance of members to stepping up to help out. He has deliberately kept the Club going with low-key activities this year, but hopes to build up.

Kayleigh Hollomby, Hannah Cox and Abi Wyatt have all taken part in Area competitions this

year. Two day rallies have been held, which were enjoyed by all. The feedback proved useful and will be acted on. We only held one members day, hopefully more next year.

Two competitions had been planned, spring camp was small and sadly autumn camp was

cancelled, but an XC day was held in lieu. Claire and Helen were thanked for their input on

this one.

Jumps – these had been offered to members, and Mike thought it best to sell them as a course.

They have now been sold to a non-member for £2500 and the money is in the bank.

Sarah Barnes thanked Mike for keeping the Club going and said it has a niche market to

provide fun with no pressure.

Treasurer - Statement of Accounts: 

Helen distributed the 2017-18 Accounts to attending members.

  • Income for the year was £11,524, expenditure was £11,804 leaving a small deficit of £280.

  • Membership Income was £2,690, BRC fees of £1,332 will be due in April 19

  • Opening Bank balance as at 01.10.2017 was £18,108 and the Closing Bank Balance as at 30.9.2018 was £16,528

  • The profit from Camps was down this year, due to low numbers in April and the cancellation of the October Camp.

  • Two donations were made during the year to Charities; £400 to Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance, and £200 to Weston Hospice.

  • The club has subsidised lessons to the amount of £592

  • Stock £1,387 (Merchandise £947, Rosettes £426, First Aid Kits £14)

  • Show Jumps have a NBV of £1,825, they have been sold in 2018-19 for £2,500

Helen thanked Sara Applewell for verifying the accounts

Membership report:

During the year Maggie stood down, and Claire kindly volunteered to take on this role. We have 110 members and members were assured that the recent BRC price increase would not be passed on to our members, thus 2019 membership would remain the same at £28.

Area 12

Hilary had taken over from Lucy during the year and reported that not many people had come forward this year. Mike would like to offer dedicated training in future for Area 12 competitions to raise BMRC profile.


In Sarah’s absence Mike reported that Sarah has worked hard to find different venues and formats. She was thanked for her efforts, and perhaps different venues might be explored next year – Wick St Lawrence, Leyland Court and Hill Farm, Burtle, were in mind. Perhaps some lessons would be run on a semi-private basis, and maybe arena XC at KSEC, Pontispool or Leyland Court. KSEC is available on 2 January – should we book a slot? Maybe hold a ride a test dressage clinic

Election of new committee

Chair, Mike is happy to continue, it was planned to combine the role of secretary and membership secretary, for which Claire Scoble was proposed. Proposed Hilary, seconded Mike

A new committee member, Carole Negus was proposed by Helen, seconded Mike

The full committee is Mike Edwards (Chair), Helen Melvin (Treasurer), Claire Scoble (Secretary), Carole Negus, Hannah McGowan (co-opted), Hilary Barnard (co-opted)

Presentation of the Trophies :

Mike gave a brief precis of the trophy’s history, before asking Claire Loney to present it to the joint winners – Bryony Close and Chris Edwards

Any other business:

Helen proposed an amendment to the Constitution, which concerned the auditing of the accounts. This was carried unanimously by the meeting.

  • Section 38; removal of the words ‘and have audited’ to be replaced with ‘and have verified’.

  • Section 40; removal of the words ‘shall be audited’ to be replaced with ‘shall be verified’ and the removal of ‘by the person appointed at the previous AGM’.

The Constitution on the website will be amended accordingly

Hannah had a quick word about winter dressage and said HC entries were permitted.

Helen informed the meeting that as we are moving to new merchandise suppliers, the existing stock would be sold at reduced prices.

Meeting Closed at 20.15

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